Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Keepin' Cool

Every year I promise myself that I won't fire in July again but every year I'm not quite organized enough to have all the summer stock ready by the end of June.  So we fired yesterday with 2 thunderstorms (one little one and one major) and a high of 28 C.  This kiln gets really, really hot and after the last firing in June when I thought I was going to have a stroke I decided drastic measures were required.  So we filled the clay mixing horse trough with our icy well water and when it got to be too much I just climbed in and left Wayne to stoke.  I think it was the best firing ever.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New pots from recent firing

We fired in the heat on June 28th.  The last couple of hours were pretty extreme - need to find a way to cool down.  Might use that horse trough next time.  Here are a few photos of pots from that firing.  Did some glaze testing from the John Britt Cone 10 glazes book.  The Coleman Tea Dust is the only test in the photos.

Shino bottles

Tea Dust Bowl

Shino bowl with Indian fabric stamp decoration

Serving dish with Indian fabric stamp

Coleman Tea Dust bowl

Shino Bowl

Serving dish

Temmoku jar & bowl

From the front of the kiln - natural ash and flashing.

Shino bowl

Cake plates