Friday, February 10, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

After a very long rest, (2 months) I've finally got back in the studio to work.  It's always hard to start again after a break and I will use any excuse, it seems, to avoid doing that first mug - the dishes/laundry/vacuuming need doing and maybe I should bake some cookies and oh, look, it's so late now I may as well get dinner started.  There's this little flutter of anxiety at the back of all this that maybe it won't work this time.  So a few days back there was half an hour free and I just got my butt out there and made a few mugs.  And they were ok and it was wonderful!  So then you have to go back in the next day to put the handles on and then you might as well make a few more and maybe some bowls and then you're saved. 

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