Friday, November 18, 2011

Winter Firing

We fired the kiln yesterday.  It actually got above freezing for a few hours but mostly it was cold and snowing.  Kind of nice to sit around the kiln with cups of hot tea and enjoy the wintery weather.  I was sort  of missing the old kiln and longer firings and getting to watch the whole cycle of the day - hearing deer and coyotes and owls in the night.  Now we start at 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning and are done by 8:00 or 9:00 at night.  Much easier on an aging body but not as satisfying to the soul.  I'll unload Sunday afternoon unless it's windy and will post photos of pots then.

Early in the firing.

Passive dampers out with guard bricks to keep the wind out.

View through the stoke hole early in the firing. 

Late afternoon in front of the studio.

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